Welcome at Gate 2.....wanna go to gate 1 ?

! True  School Hip Hop Artist gets honoured by the king of sweden !

Grandmaster Flash receives the Polar Music Prize 2019 (Nobel Prize for Music) by his Majesty the King of Sweden Carl XVI. Gustaf .....Citation Carl XVI. Gustaf: ".... in honor of every DJ, every rapper, every graffiti artist, and every break-dancer", source Forbes, June 11, 2019, 04:10 pm.


TRUE (old)SCHOOL History:

Flyin' Cut Sleeves, gangs in the Bronx around 1970, produced by Henry Chalfant and Rita Fecher, 1993, >recommended by HHMS.


Hip Hop Museum D.C. Washington (USA)

Honoured Charlie Stettler (CH) !

> Check out Stettler on HHMS ? 

Universal Hip Hop Museum in the Bronx (USA)

The Urban Art Museum Paris (F)

Museum of Graffiti (online, USA)

Museum of Graffiti (real in Wynwood/Miami, USA)

Collection Gallizia (Paris), (F)


14k Magazine (CH)

the source (Rap Magazine)

XXL (Rap Magazine) 

Vibe (Rap Magazine) 


of HHMS by Maximilian Jablonowski, "Züri breakt! Wie der Hip-Hop nach Zürich kam" in: Die 80er. Sie sind wieder da [Magazin zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung vom 17.Juni 2023- 25. Februar 2024], Eigenverlag: Schloss Karlsruhe, 2023, S.102-103. 

of HHMS: ("Zurich breaks! How Hip-Hop came to Zurich" from Maximilian Jablonowski, in: The 80ies are back [magazin of the exhibition with the same name, June 17th 2023 until February 25th 2024], self- published: Castle of Karlsruhe, 2023, p. 102-103.)  

> Among others with the old school rap artist Torch (Heidelberg) who performed regularly at the legendary hip hop parties at the Coupole in Biel/Bienne (coll. CAP) in the early 90ies. 

of Kid Terrific (HHMS Artist): Breakdance soon to be olympic ("Breakdance bald olympisch", Swiss national television, SRF, in: Sportpanorama, 23.10.2023) > Intro with Kid terrific (see US- History at the HHMS). 

of Luana (HHMS Artist- CH- History Basel): Tobias Ehrenbold, Silas Gusset, Anina Zahn, Stadt. Geschichte.Basel. Auf dem Weg ins Jetzt. Seit 1960, hrsg. Prof. Dr. Martin Lengwiler [Band 8/9], Christoph Merian: Basel, march2025, pages are coming soon.  



 "The Coupole in Biel/Bienne – mythic places of hip- hop in the French part of Switzerland. 40 years of rap." "La Coupole - Bienne - Les lieux mythiques du hip-hop suisse romande. 40 ans de rap", by Couleur3 (RTS). 08.10.2019, > recommended by HHMS

SWATCH BRANDING & HIP HOP in1984 @The Roxy in NYC (posted on LinkedIN September 20, 2024)


Hip Hop Corner at the Neues Museum Biel/Nouveau Musée Bienne (NMB), permanent show since February 2023:  "Biel und der Röstigraben"/"Bienne et la barrière de rösti"= Bienna and the rösti-barrier (the rösti-barrier = french/german cultural barrier in Switzerland).   

> recommended by HHMS


5 mio. U$ of support by the US-federal to build the Universal Hip Hop Museum in the Bronx, february 2023 on CBS New York

> recommended by HHMS

COMING up SOON Exhibitions & News:

Expo Rap- Label KOBRA, "Kobra héritage 1997- 2017", @circuit, centre d'art contemporain, Lausanne, december 12, 2024- february 2, 2025.

>recensions in journals: 24heures, Kunstbulletin


Pioneer- Graffiti Exhibition and sale in Paris, "Les pionniers du Graffiti et leurs amis", january 9-12, 2025, Salle Rossini, 7 rue Rossini, 75009 Paris. > recommended by King Bobo (Universlam) & Banga (Street Dream Gallery), Paris. 

> with a. o. "Darco", KR16- Artist > see article: Caroline Montandon, Kunst und Freiheit entgegen kollektiver Gleichschaltung. Ein off museum in der Industriebrache in Attisholz bei Solothurn. Beobachtungen zur musealen Entwicklung des 21. Jahrhunderts in der Schweiz“, in: KR16.recording 1.0, Surface: Frankfurt, 2017, S. 71, or at the Swiss Federal  National Library.


Bling- Bling expo in NYC ("Ice cold. An exhibition of Hip-Hop Jewellery" @American Museum of natural History, NYC, Mai 9, 2024- January 5, 2025


Hip Hop Artist Dr. Queen latifah


>all recommended by HHMS